Saturday, June 29, 2013

New pictures of the work in progress. It's coming right along!

A look at the square foot gardening bed from the front porch. Things are still small, but the bed is growing corn, zuchinni, green beans, 2 types of tomatoes, sweet poatatos, black-eyed-peas and okra. The bare bed on the inside will soon be full of more maters and the outside row has just been planted in sweet corn. It is so exciting to watch the day to day progress they are making now that the weather has warmed up a bit.

What is left of our beautiful flock. These ladies are very special to us. One of the Australorps was injured in the first midnite raid and still limps, but lays an egg every day. Lee nicknamed her Gimp. The broody hen is making like she is ready to make another nest, so we will find some fertile eggs and let her try again. One way or the other, we will be increasing our flock soon.

Our old buddy Favre looks like he stuck his muzzle in a flour barrel; he is getting old. He is my loyal companion and we adore him. We think the volunteer plant at the edge of this garden is a gourd. Be fun to find out!

One of my favorite spots. A tulip poplar to the left of the porch throws such a lovely shade, it's irresistable. It's a great spot for the grandkids to play.

One of eight cantelope growing in a bed along the bank in the backyard. They are blooming heavily right now and we have high hopes for them. If they do well, we will have a nice crop to sell. These are planted in a 60 ft long bed, along with eight watermelon. Both are doing really well.

The permaculture garden. This spot is doing extremely well. We are rotating out crops already. We pulled up the spinach and put in lima beans, took out a bed of lettuce and planted red potatoes, and Monday we will pull up the rest of the spring lettuce and plant more limas. The soil in this bed is amazing and it is really producing in a big way for a first year garden.

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